Tech.ed Day 4

Posting the day after this time, will keep it brief. All you need to know is: Powershell sessions all day with Jeffrey Snover and the exuberant Ben Pearce. Powershell community dinner, 18 attendees. Jeffrey + MoW = mental evening Got back so late it was time for the live stream of the Powerscripting podcast so thought I might as well stay up late and watch it for the first time - great fun.

Tech.ed Day 2

So its late, this will be brief, but I had another brilliant day at Tech.ed. The highlight of course was the Powershell Panel Discussion. I decided to get it out to the get-scripting podcast asap since it was so good, so there is a new episode with just that for content. Apart from that I went to a couple of interesting Exchange 2007 sessions, an Operations Manager 2007 R2 session and had a nice dinner with some new friends.

Tech.ed Day 3

So a bit more of a relaxed day today after yesterday’s panel discussion craziness. Some great Powershell sessions today. James O’Neill - how to get effective output from Powershell, in particular OpenXML - I really got challenged to give this a try for creating reports, it looks very useful and not too difficult. Plus I saw Jeffrey Snover present for the first time - it was awesome, all about stuff coming up in V2 of Powershell - there will be CTP3 of V2 in Dec 08.

Tech.ed Day 1

The day flew by really. Wandered round Ramblas in the morning, checking out some of Barcelona. Then the guy I met yesterday (Andy) offered to show me the ropes in getting the Metro to the conference centre which was really helpful. Quick and easy registration, followed by some lunch and then the first session I went to, Steve Riley. This was amazing, a great presenter and he really made security interesting.

Powershell Panel Discussion at Teched

Tuesday Nov 4th 2 - 3 I will be hosting a Powershell Panel discussion on a stage adjacent to the Tech Talk Fishbowl. Invited attendees include: Dmitry Sotnikov - Powershell MVP Richard Siddaway - Powershell MVP MoW - Powershell MVP James O’Neill - Microsoft Some guy called Jeffrey I will be recording the session for the get-scripting podcast, apparently it will also be videoed and available at the Teched Online website.

Visit this stand

If you are at Teched EMEA you must visit the Specops stand, especially if you are interested in Powershell. They may even give you one of the freebie underpants - possibly the strangest giveaway I have seen.

Tech.ed Day 0 - (aka geek week as its now known in the Medd house)

So I’m out in Barcelona for my first Tech.ed, really looking forward to it kicking off tomorrow: Tip #1: Don’t lift a chest of drawers up the stairs the day before going, its not good to travel with a back strain. I’m seriously hoping this wears off quickly Tip #2: Strike up conversations with Tech looking people, so far: At the airport car park I was waiting for a bus with one guy carrying a Tech.


Welcome to the new home for my blogging. As explained over on the get-scripting podcast blog, I decided to seperate the podcast from my own personal ramblings which will from now on be here, the get-scripting site will be used for podcast stuff only.