
Creating a Puppet Module Folder Structure with New-PuppetModule

Recently I’ve been writing a lot of Puppet modules. Usually this starts for me by creating a folder structure which typically looks something along the lines of this: dir | tree Creating this each time via Explorer soon became pretty tedious, so I put together the following function New-PuppetModule. This is along the lines of the puppet command to generate a module structue: puppet module generate name By default New-PuppetModule will create the top level module folder, a manifests folder and a blank init.

Configuring puppet.conf To Support A Proxy Server

Needed to configure a new Puppet Enterprise server to use a proxy server so that it could search and install modules from Puppet Forge since initial attempts to download were failing with: [root@test01 /]# puppet module search motd Notice: Searching https://forge.puppetlabs.com … Error: Could not connect to https://forge.puppetlabs.com There was a network communications problem The error we caught said ‘getaddrinfo: Name or service not known’ Check your network connection and try again