
Time for a change: Let's go!

I have really enjoyed my time at my current employer, there are some amazingly talented people who work / have worked there during the time I have spent there. However, for various reasons I have decided that it is time to move on and try something different by going freelance contracting. So while I work out my notice period I will be looking for a contract as my next opportunity.

Download the PowerCLI 5.0 Poster

The PowerCLI team publish very handy reference posters that will sit nicely by your desk and usually release a new version to accompany each product release. vSphere 5 is no different and if you weren’t lucky enough to attend the recent VMworld and collect a tangible copy then you can now download one to print out yourself.

Using PowerCLI VIProperties and the VIProperty Module

In PowerShell it is possible to use custom properties for an object if the one you need does not exist by default - these are known as calculated properties. For instance, in PowerCLI by default there is no ToolsVersion property for a VM, however we can create a calculated property named ToolsVersion and submit an expression to retrieve that data: Get-VM TEST01 | Select-Object Name,@{Name="ToolsVersion";Expression={$\_.ExtensionData.Config.Tools.ToolsVersion}} However, the ToolsVersion property does not persist after running this command, so if I now try:

PowerShell European Deep Dive Registration Info & Call for Session Proposals

Following on from the highly successful first PowerShell Deep Dive conference held in Las Vegas in Feb 2011 the PowerShell team have announced details of a European equivalent to be held at TEC Europe 2011 in Frankfurt on October 17 & 18 2011. Registration info and details on how to submit session propposals can be found on the PowerShell team blog: -——————————————————————————————————————————————————- Here’s some more info on the 2nd PowerShell Deep Dive that will be at TEC Europe 2011 in Frankfurt on October 17 & 18.

PowerCLI Book: Kindle Version Available Again!

The question we have been asked the second most was back in April, “Why is the Kindle version more expensive than the paperback?”. At the time we went back and forth with both the publisher and Amazon and received conflicting answers. Well now that is back in the various Kindle stores again, this situation also seems to have improved and typically it is slightly less than the paperback in price.

PowerCLI: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown

When working with PowerCLI in a large environment and retrieving large amounts of data, particularly when using the Get-View cmdlet, you may receive the following error: Get-View Exception of type ‘System.OutOfMemoryException’ was thrown Looking at the available memory on your system may cause you to wonder why you receive this error message. It may occur because you are running the 32-bit version of PowerCLI where the size of the heap is limited to 1.

PowerGUI® Pro and PowerGUI® 3.0 Released

Having been using the beta for a while, I was very pleased to see that PowerGUI V3 has been released. Some of the new features / fixes that I like the best are: Create Executable from Script One click install for PowerPacks PowerCLI 4.1 Support in the VMware PowerPack Have a look at Kirk’s site for full details http://poshoholic.com/2011/07/15/powergui-pro-and-powergui-3-0-are-now-available/

Slides from UK PowerShell User Group Session on Modules

I was luck enough to be given the opportunity to present a UK PowerShell User Group session on PowerShell Modules. If you want to check out the slides from this session then they are below: An Introduction to PowerShell Modules View more presentations from jonathanmedd. I have also included the 4 demo text files which contain the commands I was using during the demos. Demo1 Demo2 Demo3 Demo4 You can get the recording from Richard’s blog

May 10th 2011 - UK PowerShell UserGroup: All About Modules

Join me on Tuesday May 10th 20.30GMT for a UK PowerShell User Group session: All About Modules “Join PowerShell MVP and author Jonathan Medd to learn about PowerShell modules and how to get the most out of them. Notes Richard Siddaway has invited you to attend an online meeting using Live Meeting. Join the meeting. Audio Information Computer Audio To use computer audio, you need speakers and microphone, or a headset.