Using Pester and PowervRO as a Unit Test Framework for vRO
vRealize Orchestrator doesn’t have an in-built Unit Test Framework, however I realised that it might be possible to use a combination of Pester and PowervRO for now to achieve similar results. Let’s take a look at an example using a very simple workflow, Workflow1. Workflow1 has two inputs, a and b, both numbers:
Workflow1 has a single scriptable task that takes the inputs a and b, multiples them together and stores the result in c, which is output from the workflow.
We can write the following PowerShell based test using the Pester framework and PowervRO to test that the result of running Workflow1 with inputs of a and b, should be the value we supply for c. We make a connection to the vRO Server in question, invoke the workflow and then check the result:
We can supply variables to the test via a JSON file, so its simple to then take this test to other vRO servers, or change the values we are testing:
Now we can invoke the Pester tests and check the results:
Obviously this process could be scaled out to many more workflows with different inputs and outputs.