Find the vRO Workflow ID for an Advanced Service Blueprint with PowervRA

A colleague asked me the other day about how it might be possible to find out which vRO workflow was mapped to an Advanced Service Blueprint (or XaaS Blueprint) in vRA. If you look in the vRA GUI after a Service Blueprint has been created you can’t see which vRO workflow is mapped.

During the creation of the Service Blueprint there is a Workflow tab to select the vRO Workflow:


By using PowervRA though we find this information. The object returned by Get-vRAServiceBlueprint contains a WorkflowId property:


Update: 15/03/2017

Instead of the below long code section to search vRO for a workflow ID, you can use the Get-vROWorkflow function from the sister tool PowervRO.


We can now take that WorkflowId and find the corresponding workflow in vRO. Unless you have memorised all of the workflow IDs then you can issue a REST request to vRO to find out more. The following example uses PowerShell to query the vRO REST API for the WorkflowID above (note that we have to deal with self-signed certificates):

If we look at the data stored in the Workflows variable, we can see the name of the workflow in vRO (OK in this example it’s the same name as the Service Blueprint, but it might well not be in another example):

i.e., it can be found in the top-level folder named Test: