Quick and Easy PowerShell Test-XMLFile

The PowerShell community extensions module contains Test-XML which can perform a number of checks for the validity of an XML file. For my particular needs I wasn’t able to take a dependency on an external module, consequently I needed to make something similar of my own to carry out some basic tests.

The below function makes use of the XmlException exception from the XmlDocument class . An attempt is made to load the XML file and then any Load or Parse errors are caught by the XmlException exception.

Let’s take a look at a couple of examples:

The following XML file is missing a closing ‘/’ in Set 1 for Orange


Orange Orange

Apple Green


The function will pick it up like this:

Test-XMLFile Fruit.xml -verbose

Note that it also returns $true or $false so you can use it say in ‘if’ statements.

In this example an additional has been erroneously copied into the wrong place.


Orange Orange

Apple Green


The function will pick it up like this:

Test-XMLFile Fruit.xml -verbose

function Test-XMLFile { <# .SYNOPSIS Test the validity of an XML file #> \[CmdletBinding()\] param ( \[parameter(mandatory=$true)\]\[ValidateNotNullorEmpty()\]\[string\]$xmlFilePath )

\# Check the file exists if (!(Test-Path -Path $xmlFilePath)){ throw "$xmlFilePath is not valid. Please provide a valid path to the .xml fileh" } # Check for Load or Parse errors when loading the XML file $xml = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument try { $xml.Load((Get-ChildItem -Path $xmlFilePath).FullName) return $true } catch \[System.Xml.XmlException\] { Write-Verbose "$xmlFilePath : $($\_.toString())" return $false } }